Headteachers Message

Dear Parents & Carers

Improving Reading is our top priority here at Abbey. We want all of our learners to enjoy reading and to develop expert skills. Over the past two years, our reading results have been much lower than our maths results. We want to change this and for Abbey children excel in all areas.

Reading is fundamental in modern society and shapes us as critical thinkers, learners and questioning citizens. Learning to read, and reading to learn, is the foundation for future educational success. As the singular most important academic skill of our age, teachers and parents have an obligation to ensure every child is a competent reader.

Children with stronger reading comprehension sklills and a broader vocabulary areĀ  more successful academically in all areas.

Our phonics work with our youngest children is the toolkit which enables childen to develop fluency in reading. From this, we must work on understanding, comprehension and inferenceā€¦.becoming book detectives. You can support us by reading daily with your child and by talking to them about their book choices.

In school, all staff will be working harder than ever to promote reading and to teach reading in engaging ways.

Best wishes

Ellie Green

Head Teacher

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