Author Archives: ekharodia
Welcome Back
Dear Parents/Carers, Students and Staff,
Welcome back from the long summer break to what promises to be another fantastic year at Abbey Primary community School.
Welcome to our new staff: Miss Solanki, Miss Kakadia, Mrs Love and Miss Surani. I know that they will all contribute significantly to the future success of Abbey Primary.
“When we really resolve to achieve something, we succeed. We only have to want it.”
This academic year we resolve to achieve more than ever for this great community of Belgrave.
Mr Foster (Headteacher)
Quote for the Week
Dont make your voice loud to make others listen. Make your personality so loud that others beg to listen to you.
KS2 Sports Day Cancelled – 4th July 2012
Due to bad weather conditions, KS2 Sports Day has been cancelled. Another date will be scheduled and announced shortly, sorry for any inconvenience.
KS1 Sports Day Cancelled!! 2nd July 2012
Due to bad weather conditions, KS1 Sports Day has been cancelled.
Another date will be scheduled shortly, sorry for any inconvenience.
Quote for the Week
You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have.
The Oliver performance will now take place on Tuesday the 10th of July in the upper hall. From 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Sports Days
Sports Days are always one of the highlights of the year!
This year they are on the following days:
Monday 2nd July – F2 (a.m.) and KS1 (p.m.)
Tuesday 3rd July – F1 (Nursery)
Wednesday 4th July – Year 3/4 (a.m.) and Year 5/6 (p.m.)
Parents and carers are welcome to come and watch. It all adds to the atmosphere.
Olympic Torch
OLYMPIC TORCH RELAY The London 2012 Olympic torch relay will be passing Abbey Primary Community School at 7.30 a.m. on Tuesday 3rd July.
Join us near our Loughborough Road entrance at 7.00 a.m. on Tuesday to cheer on the procession. (Please note that pupils in Year 5 and younger must be accompanied by an adult).
This is a massive moment in Leicester’s sporting history and it would be amazing to get every one of our 641 pupils and their parents on Loughborough/Belgrave Road to watch. On Monday evening a number of pupils will be attending the Olympic event in Abbey park. Mr Hughes will be cycling with some of our pupils. It’s time to show the Olympic spirit!