Author Archives: ekharodia
Happy Diwali
A very Happy Diwali to all our pupils, staff, parents and carers.
Diwali/New Years Day
Parental Choice – Diwali/New Year’s Day
Most parents will be aware that Diwali falls on Tuesday 13th November and New Year’s Day on Wednesday 14th November 2012. Following discussions with the Chair of Governors – Councillor Rashmikant Joshi – we have agreed the following:
The school will remain open on both days. We will have sufficient staff in school to ensure that the children present receive a quality day of education and are properly safeguarded.
All Hindu and Sikh staff are being offered one day’s leave of religious observance. This is a standard procedure for all key religious events that fall within term time.
Hindu and Sikh parents and carers have the choice of whether to celebrate Diwali and/or New Year’s Day as a family at home or send their children to school. We are aware that not all parents will be able to take leave from work.
Hindu and Sikh children not at school will be marked as ‘R’ – Religious Day.
Thank you to all parents for your co-operation in this matter.