Author Archives: ekharodia
Athlefit is Back!!
Inspired by the Olympics? Come and try the fastest growing recreational sport in the UK! No experience required and you don’t need to be fit to do Athlefit!!
Athlefit is back at Abbey Primary Community School on the 15th of January 2012 from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
All classes are entirely FREE!! We want everyone to have fun with Athlefit so children and adults should accompany each other – All ages of adults welcome. Comfortable clothing and a pair of trainers or soft shoes is all that you need.
Watch the video:
Spring Term Curriculum Newsletters
Visit the ‘newsletters’ section on the school website to view each year groups Spring term curriculum newsletters.
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all pupils, staff, family and friends of Abbey Primary Community School – and welcome back for the Spring 2013 Term!
We hope you had a lovely refreshing Christmas and New Year break.
We have lots planned for this term and we will keep you posted via this website!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
A big thank you to everyone for all their support over the last term. We hope everyone has a lovely holiday season and we are looking forward to an exciting and wonderful 2013.