Author Archives: ekharodia
GVC Cancelled 19/01/13
Due to weather conditions, Good Values Club has been cancelled this Saturday, 19th of January.
SATs Revision
Visit the ‘SATs Revision’ page under ‘Student Pages’ onthe school website to find useful advice and resources regarding SATs.
Guy Bass at Abbey Primary
We will have a special visitor attending Abbey Primary on the 23rd of January. Guy Bass an award-winning writer and children’s book author will be visiting us for the day.
Guy’s first book was published in 2008, and his books have since been translated into eight languages. He has also written a number of plays for both adults and children, including three series of children’s plays for the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough.
Guy had previously been a theatre producer and illustrator. His illustration work includes the Munglers Trumps cards, part of an ongoing reading incentive project in London.
In 2010 he won the Blue Peter Book Award for Most Fun Book With Pictures for Dinkin Dings and the Frightening Things and has twice won the Portsmouth Book Award (Shorter Novel) for his Dinkin Dings series.
For more information on Guys books visit his website :
Mrs Jansari will be organising the sale of Guy’s books next week, news on this coming soon.